What is Revision Buttock Augmentation?

If you have previously undergone a buttock augmentation procedure with fat grafting (BBL) and are unsatisfied with the results, you may consider revision buttock augmentation. This procedure involves correcting any issues or complications from the previous surgery and enhancing the appearance of the buttocks.

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Benefits of a Revision Buttock Augmentation

Revision buttock augmentation can address several concerns, including:

  • Uneven or asymmetrical buttocks
  • Buttocks that are too large

During the revision procedure, your surgeon will perform liposuction to contour the surrounding area for a more natural appearance. They may also place additional fat, if necessary, to improve your contour.

It is important to note that revision buttock augmentation is more complex than the initial augmentation and may require a longer recovery time. Overall, revision buttock augmentation can help you achieve your buttocks' desired look and feel, improving your confidence and self-esteem.

Reasons for Revision Buttock Augmentation

Here are some common reasons why people may choose to undergo revision buttock augmentation:

Unsatisfactory Results

If you are unhappy with your initial buttock augmentation procedure's results, you may undergo revision surgery to achieve your desired look. This could be due to various factors, such as:

  • Asymmetry
  • Inadequate volume
  • Too much volume
  • A shape that does not match your preferences

Weight Loss or Gain

Significant weight changes can affect the appearance of your buttocks, even after buttock augmentation surgery. If you have lost or gained weight since your initial procedure, you may find that your buttocks no longer look as you desire. Revision surgery can help to restore the shape and volume of your buttocks to match your current body shape.


Our bodies naturally change as we age, which can affect our buttocks' appearance. If you had buttock augmentation surgery several years ago, you might find that your buttocks have lost volume or shape over time. Revision surgery can help restore a more youthful appearance to your buttocks and address any changes due to aging.

Sanctuary Plastic Surgery

Revision Buttock Augmentation Procedure

During the procedure, you will most likely have general anesthesia with local anesthesia used for small areas. The surgery typically takes one to two hours, and you can go home the same day.

Revision buttock augmentation procedures can vary depending on the patient's specific needs. Your surgeon may use one or a combination of the following techniques:

  • Fat transfer involves removing fat from another area of your body and injecting it into your buttocks to enhance their shape and size
  • Liposuction may be used to remove excess fat from your buttocks and achieve a 
    smooth contour
  • Additional energy devices may be necessary depending on the patient’s specific 
    needs, such as ultrasound-assisted liposuction or radiofrequency assisted 
    liposuction or plasma/radiofrequency liposuction 
  • Multiple procedures may be necessary to achieve your final goal contour

Recovery and Aftercare

Fat grafting patients recover within a relatively quick timeframe of two weeks. However, most patients should expect varying swelling and bruising for up to six weeks after surgery. A compression garment is recommended at home to control swelling and discomfort.

Most patients can resume work one to two weeks post-procedure, although direct sitting on the buttocks should be avoided in the first two weeks. Exercise may be resumed at 3-4 weeks, depending upon the extent of the procedure.

We’ll provide you with specific aftercare instructions, which may include the following:

  • Taking pain medication as prescribed
  • Avoiding sitting or lying on your back for extended periods
  • Sleeping on your stomach or side
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol
  • Keeping the incision sites clean and dry

It is important to follow all aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and achieve optimal results.

Sanctuary Plastic Surgery

Why Choose Sanctuary Plastic Surgery for Revision Buttock Augmentation?

Overall, revision buttock augmentation can help you achieve the look you desire, but choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon is essential to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

Dr. DiBernardo and Dr. Cook perform revision buttock augmentation with precision and an artistic eye. Whether the goal is to improve the results of your first procedure or revise them, rest assured the outcome will be naturally beautiful and precisely what you want. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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