Procedure at a Glance

Procedure Time

4-6 hours




Reduced facial sagging, rejuvenated appearance, full results in 6-12 months

Recovery Time

2-4 weeks
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Sanctuary Plastic Surgery

Who should get a Facelift?

A facelift may be a good option if you are over 40 and have droopy face and neck skin due to aging, weight loss, or genetics. We have performed facelifts on men and women in their 30s and the oldest facelift to date in our practice is 87.

If you're not quite ready, we offer non-invasive options such as Sofwave and microneedling RF devices like Genius and Morpheus for minimal sagging patients and FaceTite and MyEllevate for patients with more aging but who are not yet ready for a facelift.

What Does a Facelift Entail?

A facelift tightens the area from the mid-check to the bottom of the neck. Incisions are from the sideburn, in the ear, and around the neck hairline. An isolated neck lift may be performed with only incisions behind the ears for patients with neck laxity and minimal to no jowling or face laxity. 

What Should I Expect in Facelift Surgery?

Facelift procedures may be performed with IV sedation (twilight) or general anesthesia in our Boca Raton accredited in-office surgery suite on an outpatient basis.

Incisions will be placed from the sideburn area, in the ear, and around the back of the ears to facilitate lifting and tightening the underlying tissues.

The cheek pad will be lifted, and the neck will be treated to restore jowls, jawline, and upper neck. We are meticulous in our approach, taking great care to avoid creating visible scars.

Patients recover in our recovery room for an hour or so and then may go home or to a hotel. Nursing care is provided for 6 hours post-facelift to help you acclimate, and overnight or multi-day care is also available for out-of-town patients or those wanting additional care. 

All sutures are placed in the skin and are removed in 10 to 14 days. These incisions will heal to a faint line after about six months, but laser resurfacing of these scars is offered to help accelerate the fading. The time needed to perform a facelift in Boca Raton & West Palm Beach will vary with the type of lift required. 

Sanctuary Plastic Surgery

Why Choose Sanctuary Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton?

A facelift is the most comprehensive facial rejuvenation procedure available, and we have earned a reputation by creating incredible results for patients in Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, and the nearby areas. We are not the cheapest in town, and the adage “you get what you pay for” is certainly correct with facelifts. Schedule your consultation to learn more about what we can do for you today.

Dr. Pozner and his incredible surgical team are well-versed in the most advanced procedures and remain committed to state-of-the-art technology, enabling you to enjoy the results you know you deserve. Reach out and set up your consultation today.

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Sanctuary Plastic Surgery

Who is an Ideal Candidate for a Facelift?

Ideal candidates for a facelift in Boca Raton & West Palm Beach are men or women who would like to dramatically rejuvenate their appearance, achieving more defined, sculpted facial contours. Candidates for a facelift procedure should meet the following criteria:

  • Are generally in good health
  • Do not have serious medical concerns
  • Do not smoke
  • Have realistic expectations about what a facelift procedure can achieve
  • Have significantly sagging skin on the face and neck 
  • Have sunken cheeks and hollow facial areas due to lost facial volume
  • Have jowls or a double chin 
Beautiful Women Side Profile View And Shadows Of Palm Trees

What Facelift Technique Is Right for Me?

You have undoubtedly heard of a variety of facelift options:

  • The Weekend Lift
  • The Three-Day Facelift
  • The Midface Lift
  • The Mini Lift
  • The Deep Plane Lift
  • The SMAS Facelift

To the average person, these options can be very confusing. We are extensively trained in time-proven facelift techniques that produce beautiful results and would be happy to discuss options with you during a consultation.

These facelift terms are very confusing to patients. Scientific studies comparing facelift techniques show no long-term difference in results; different techniques have pros and cons.

In general, we prefer a SMAS lift along with skin excision which means the facial muscles and fascia are tightened during the procedure and excess skin is removed.  

Quality Matters, Above All

A poorly performed facelift may tighten the skin, which may look better for a year before the underlying facial structures, which were left untouched, cause the facial skin to wrinkle again and begin to sag.

Without tightening the underlying facial muscles, you may be left with an unnatural, pulled look to your face. This is not the kind of result you want! Our surgeons will guide you through the procedure to achieve a stunning, natural look with a recovery time and cost as reasonable as possible.

Many of our facelifts are a second or third procedure, either due to just continued aging or from problems that occurred from prior surgery. This may include bad scarring, unnatural pull, pixie ear deformity and just uncorrected sagging. We have a lot of experience in these corrective procedures and are happy to consult and take on the toughest of repair work.

Sanctuary Plastic Surgery

Facelift FAQs

Will my skin be smoother after a facelift?

Maximizing Facelift Results: Combine Treatments for Smooth Skin. While a facelift targets sagging, it doesn't address skin texture issues like wrinkles or age spots. Opt for laser skin resurfacing before or alongside a facelift for comprehensive improvement. Simultaneous procedures like brow lifts, chin implants, and eyelid surgery can enhance overall results. Post-facelift, consider additional treatments such as BOTOX and fillers to address any remaining lines. Rely on our experienced team for exceptional results—we've successfully performed thousands of facelifts with a commitment to excellence.

How Long Will I Need to Recover After Facelift Surgery?

For a facelift, recovery time ranges from about seven to 14 days and slightly longer if additional procedures were done. You may experience some swelling and bruising. A dressing will be in place for one to two days, and a neck strap may be needed. Any discomfort can be relieved with pain medication. Most patients are back to full activity within a few weeks. You’ll come to our office within the first few days for your first postoperative visit and laser care if additional laser resurfacing was performed.

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